Markdown usage

Markdown usage

Markdown is a simple language that will become HTML.

The syntax is quite simple, use this cheatsheet as reference.

Coming up next we'll see some examples

a link to kpn

a link to kpn also code

variable = 1

Code block

In order to add a code block you need to wrap your coude around 3 backticks

def somefunc(param1='', param2=0):
    r'''A docstring'''
    if param1 > param2: # interesting
        print 'Gre\'ater'
    return (param2 - param1 + 1 + 0b10l) or None

class SomeClass:

>>> message = '''interpreter
... prompt'''

Other languages:


stage("hello") {



const a = "A";


= Title


    name = "x";


![alternative text](

alternative text

Unordered Lists

- item
    - item a
        - other nested
        - other nested
    - item b
    - item b
  • item
    • item a
      • other nested
      • other nested
    • item b
    • item b

Ordered Lists

1. item
    1. item a
        1. other nested
        1. other nested
    1. item b
    1. item b
  1. item
    1. item a
      1. other nested
      2. other nested
    2. item b
    3. item b

Code inside a list

- `name`
- `list`
- `name`
    - `name`
    - `name`
  • name
  • list
  • name
    • name
    • name

Code inside table

| Example | Bla      | Foo | Bla      | Bla      |
| ------- | -------- | --- | -------- | -------- |
| `name`  | `String` | Bar | `String` | `String` |
| `name`  | Bar      | Bar | Bar      | Bar      |
| Bar     | `String` | Bar | `String` | `String` |
Example Bla Foo Bla Bla
name String Bar String String
name Bar Bar Bar Bar
Bar String Bar String String


> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut ut tortor sed lorem auctor vulputate id hendrerit quam. Integer maximus molestie elit, non elementum libero rutrum ac. Suspendisse a gravida massa, vitae ullamcorper urna. Quisque varius finibus leo, et ornare est bibendum et. Donec feugiat vitae ipsum fringilla volutpat. Duis hendrerit iaculis pellentesque. Nullam sed egestas nisi. Proin aliquet faucibus mi lacinia maximus. Integer urna ligula, malesuada in purus et, cursus tincidunt tortor. Donec et nunc consectetur, gravida nulla eu, viverra lorem. Nullam suscipit nibh sed nisl fringilla, sit amet tristique ante vulputate. Sed ultrices purus vel erat lacinia pellentesque. Phasellus elit mi, auctor eget nisl vehicula, sollicitudin ultrices risus. Etiam venenatis tempus arcu at dignissim.

Quotes with code block

> Lorem ipsum dolor `sit` amet, consectetur

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur



header 1


header 2


header 3


header 4