Getting started

Getting started

About mkdocs

Mkdocs is a project that enables you into writing documentation for your project in a super fast and easy way.

First, you have to create a docs/ folder in the root of your project, inside it, you can start creating markdown (.md) files.

The main file of the documentation is called This can be configured by configuring the navigation setting in your mkdocs.yml file.

Once you finish writing your documentation, using the command line, mkdocs will get all of these markdown files and will output a rendered HTML website to the site/ folder.

That's it!


If you are starting from the ground up, you need to install mkdocs in your project.

python -m pip install mkdocs mkdocs-kpn


Creating a configuration

In the root of your project create a file called mkdocs.yml and put this initial configuration:

site_name: <My Website Name>

  name: kpn

  - codehilite:
      guess_lang: false

For more settings check the Full Example at the bottom of the page.

Add search support

Just add to the mkdocs.yml the following:

  - search:
      prebuild_index: true

A search input will appear. The search index is offline, so no backend is required.

Running commands

python -m mkdocs build

Will output the generated website into a site/ folder. Remember to add it to your .gitignore, the idea is for CI's to automatically build it.

python -m mkdocs serve

This command will run a webserver which will reload your browser as soon as you make a change. This is useful to see your documentation while you are writing it.

Full configuration example

Full mkdocs.yml example:

# Project information
site_name: 'KPN Theme'
site_description: 'A KPN theme for MkDocs'
site_author: 'Jon Doe'

# Repository
repo_name: 'kpn/mkdocs-kpn-theme'

# Copyright
copyright: 'Copyright &copy; KPN'

# Google Analytics Disabled by default
  - 'auto'

  # Use the repo edit url instead of the link to the repo
  use_edit_url: false

# Extensions
  - admonition
  - codehilite:
      guess_lang: false
  - toc:
      permalink: true
  - footnotes
  - pymdownx.critic
  - pymdownx.emoji
  - pymdownx.keys
  - pymdownx.mark
  - pymdownx.smartsymbols
  - pymdownx.tasklist
  - pymdownx.tilde

API Documentation

To document your API we recommend using mkdocstrings.