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Sequentially applies the chain of serializers. It allows defining multiple steps of serialization.

Source code in cachetory/serializers/
class ChainedSerializer(Serializer[ValueT, WireT], Generic[ValueT, WireT]):
    """Sequentially applies the chain of serializers. It allows defining multiple steps of serialization."""

    __slots__ = ("_layers",)

    def from_url(cls, url: str) -> ChainedSerializer[ValueT, WireT]:
        Construct serializer from the URL.

        This method parses the URL and constructs serializer layers based on the schema's
        and query parameters.

            >>> serializer = ChainedSerializer.from_url(
            >>>     # Serialize with Pickle and then compress with Zstandard:
            >>>     "pickle+zstd://?pickle-protocol=4&compression-level=3",
            >>> )
        parsed_url = urlparse(url)
        schemes = parsed_url.scheme.split("+")
        return cls(cls._make_layer(scheme, url) for scheme in schemes)

    def __init__(self, layers: Iterable[Serializer[ValueT, WireT]]) -> None:
        Initialize the chained serializer.

            layers: iterable of other serializers which are then applied sequentially
        self._layers = list(layers)

    def serialize(self, value: ValueT) -> WireT:
        value_: Any = value
        for layer in self._layers:
            value_ = layer.serialize(value_)
        return cast(WireT, value_)

    def deserialize(self, data: WireT) -> ValueT:
        value: Any = data
        for layer in self._layers[::-1]:
            value = layer.deserialize(value)
        return cast(ValueT, value)

    def _make_layer(cls, scheme: str, url: str) -> Serializer[Any, Any]:
        if scheme == "json":
            return JsonSerializer.from_url(url)
        if scheme == "msgpack":
            if not _is_msgpack_available:
                raise ValueError(f"`{scheme}://` requires `cachetory[msgpack]` extra")
            return MsgPackSerializer.from_url(url)
        if scheme == "pickle":
            return PickleSerializer.from_url(url)
        if scheme in ("noop", "null"):
            return NoopSerializer.from_url(url)
        if scheme in ("zstd", "zstandard"):
            if not _is_zstd_available:
                raise ValueError(f"`{scheme}://` requires `cachetory[zstd]` extra")
            return ZstdCompressor.from_url(url)
        if scheme == "zlib":
            return ZlibCompressor.from_url(url)
        raise ValueError(f"`{scheme}://` is not supported")

from_url classmethod

from_url(url: str) -> ChainedSerializer[ValueT, WireT]

Construct serializer from the URL.

This method parses the URL and constructs serializer layers based on the schema's and query parameters.


>>> serializer = ChainedSerializer.from_url(
>>>     # Serialize with Pickle and then compress with Zstandard:
>>>     "pickle+zstd://?pickle-protocol=4&compression-level=3",
>>> )
Source code in cachetory/serializers/
def from_url(cls, url: str) -> ChainedSerializer[ValueT, WireT]:
    Construct serializer from the URL.

    This method parses the URL and constructs serializer layers based on the schema's
    and query parameters.

        >>> serializer = ChainedSerializer.from_url(
        >>>     # Serialize with Pickle and then compress with Zstandard:
        >>>     "pickle+zstd://?pickle-protocol=4&compression-level=3",
        >>> )
    parsed_url = urlparse(url)
    schemes = parsed_url.scheme.split("+")
    return cls(cls._make_layer(scheme, url) for scheme in schemes)


__init__(layers: Iterable[Serializer[ValueT, WireT]]) -> None

Initialize the chained serializer.


Name Type Description Default
layers Iterable[Serializer[ValueT, WireT]]

iterable of other serializers which are then applied sequentially

Source code in cachetory/serializers/
def __init__(self, layers: Iterable[Serializer[ValueT, WireT]]) -> None:
    Initialize the chained serializer.

        layers: iterable of other serializers which are then applied sequentially
    self._layers = list(layers)