Combadge generates a service client implementation from a user service interface declared by a protocol class or an abstract base class.
Sneak peek¶
from typing import List
from httpx import Client
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, validate_call
from typing_extensions import Annotated, Protocol
from combadge.core.binder import bind
from combadge.core.markers.method import wrap_with
from combadge.support.http.markers import QueryParam, http_method, path
from combadge.support.httpx.backends.sync import HttpxBackend
# 1️⃣ Declare the response models:
class CurrentCondition(BaseModel):
humidity: int
temperature: Annotated[float, Field(alias="temp_C")]
class Weather(BaseModel):
current: Annotated[List[CurrentCondition], Field(alias="current_condition")]
# 2️⃣ Declare the protocol:
class SupportsWttrIn(Protocol):
def get_weather(
in_: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1)],
format_: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1), QueryParam("format")] = "j1",
) -> Weather:
# 3️⃣ Bind the service:
service = HttpxBackend(Client(base_url="https://wttr.in"))[SupportsWttrIn]
# 🚀 Call the service:
response = service.get_weather(in_="amsterdam")
assert response.current[0].humidity == 71
assert response.current[0].temperature == 8.0
from typing import Literal, Protocol, Union
import zeep
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, RootModel
from pytest import raises
from typing_extensions import Annotated
from combadge.core.interfaces import SupportsService
from combadge.core.response import ErrorResponse, SuccessfulResponse
from combadge.support.http.markers import Payload
from combadge.support.soap.markers import operation_name
from combadge.support.zeep.backends.sync import ZeepBackend
# 1️⃣ Declare the request model:
class NumberToWordsRequest(BaseModel, populate_by_name=True):
number: Annotated[int, Field(alias="ubiNum")]
# 2️⃣ Declare the response model:
class NumberToWordsResponse(RootModel, SuccessfulResponse):
root: str
# 3️⃣ Optionally, declare the error response models:
class NumberTooLargeResponse(RootModel, ErrorResponse):
root: Literal["number too large"]
# 4️⃣ Declare the interface:
class SupportsNumberConversion(SupportsService, Protocol):
def number_to_words(
request: Annotated[NumberToWordsRequest, Payload(by_alias=True)],
) -> Union[NumberTooLargeResponse, NumberToWordsResponse]:
# 5️⃣ Bind the service:
client = zeep.Client(wsdl="tests/integration/wsdl/NumberConversion.wsdl")
service = ZeepBackend(client.service)[SupportsNumberConversion]
# 🚀 Call the service:
response = service.number_to_words(NumberToWordsRequest(number=42))
assert response.unwrap().root == "forty two "
# ☢️ Error classes are automatically derived for error models:
response = service.number_to_words(NumberToWordsRequest(number=-1))
with raises(NumberTooLargeResponse.Error):